
1. Minimum Days Required - WP Booking System

2. Payments with WooCommerce

3. Auto Filter Rooms on Page Load

4. Using Polylang

5. Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar

6. Custom Video Styling

7. How to Update Stratus

8. How the WP Booking System works with WooCommerce

9. Email Form Notifications

10. Trigger Mobile Menu

11. Setup Auto Pending on the Bellevue Booking System

12. Custom Calendars

13. Recommended Server Settings

14. Default Time Slots

15. Migrating from Entrepreneur v1 to Entrepreneur v2

16. E-mail forms not sending / receiving

17. List of Required and Recommended Plugins for Bellevue.

18. Setting up Booking, Terms of Service and Deposits.

19. Enable Transparent Header for Touch Laptops.

20. Migrating Translations from Booked to QuickCal

21. Can I Use The Theme On More Than One Website?

22. Adding Yoast Breadcrumbs to rooms and pages.

23. Migrating from Pursuit v1 to Pursuit v2

24. Start here!

25. Updating Pursuit Version 1.2.5 and earlier

26. Promoting from development to production

27. Demo Content

28. Front-End Agents

29. Missing photos after demo import.

30. Updating Bellevue (Version 1.9.2 and earlier)

31. Calendar Feeds

32. Page Header Background Settings.

33. How to update Pursuit

34. Optimal header image sizes and settings

35. Seasonal Pricing

36. Limit to rooms shown | Max Rooms

37. How to find what version of the theme you are using.

38. * New Theme Documentation and Help Articles *

39. Custom Star Rating to Testimonials.

40. Shortcodes

41. Customization to show 2 rooms or 2 columns vs 3, 4 or 5.

42. Changing the rooms slug, url, permalink

43. How to Update Entrepreneur

44. How to find your Envato Purchase Code

45. Video Tutorials and Guides for Bellevue Hotel + Bed and Breakfast Theme

46. Updating the WP Booking System Plugin

47. Upgrading from Stratus v2 to Stratus v3

48. How to Update Bellevue

49. Custom Fields

50. Migrating from Bellevue v1 to Bellevue v2/v3

51. Changing Size of a set Image

52. Communication between WooCommerce and WP Booking System

53. Enable Sticky Header for Mobile

54. Rooms Sort Order

55. Adding Form to Slider (Hotel, Beachhouse Demo)

56. How to Update the Theme

57. How to change the room descriptions. "sleep 2 queen bad" etc

58. Custom Color for Rooms Hover

59. iCal Syncing with WP Booking System

60. Using the Child theme to add custom scripts in the footer.

61. Installation & Setup Guide

62. Translation & Text Changes

63. Custom Time Slots

64. Show room price and info on touch / mobile

65. Updating Entrepreneur (Version 1.3.6 and earlier)

66. How to Change or Remove the Credit in the Footer

67. The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

68. Updating Stratus Version 2.0.2 and earlier

69. Admin Appointment Creation/Cancellation

70. Remove / Hide 'All' and / or Sort from the Rooms Filter Bar

71. Adding Calendar to Slider (Chalet Demo)

1. Minimum Days Required - WP Booking System

To use minimum days required, click on the 'Add Calendar' in the content editor toolbar.

then choose 'minimum days' from the modal window.


2. Payments with WooCommerce

Be sure to install the WooCommerce plugin before using this feature.

Creating a Product for QuickCal

To create a new product, simply go to Products > Add Product.

  1. Give this new product a name. For example, if you have different packages for your bookings, you could call the first one Bronze Package.
  2. A description isn't necessary so you can skip the content area.
  3. Go right to the Product Data section below the editor (if you don't see it, check the box from the Screen Options panel at the top right) and check the box next to "QuickCal Product" and then provide a price for this product:

  4. These are the only three (3) required pieces of information. However, you can add attributes and variable pricing if needed (see the Attributes/Variable Pricing section below).

Adding a Product to the Booking Form

Once you have a few products added (in this example we added a Bronze, Silver and Gold package), go the Appointments > Settings panel and head over to the Custom Fields tab there.

  1. Click the "+ Paid Service Selector" button to use the new product selection field:

  2. Give this option a name, such as "Choose a Booking Package":

  3. Click the "+ QuickCal Appointment Service" button to add a WooCommerce product as an option. Add all of the choices you need for this specific dropdown:

  4. Save the custom fields and you're ready for paid appointments!

Attributes/Variable Pricing

In some cases you might have products with options that change the pricing of the appointment. For this, you would use WooCommerce's attributes and variable pricing. Please read up on how to create these from here:

What Happens Next?

  1. A visitor will book an appointment. During this process, they will choose a product (and options if available) and submit the form to book the appointment.
  2. The appointment will be saved as "Awaiting Payment". The time slot will be filled for now.
  3. If you have your appointments set to auto-approve, then it will be approved at this point.
  4. The customer will be taken directly to checkout to pay for the appointment.
  5. Once paid, the appointment will be marked as "Paid".
  6. If the customer leaves the checkout process at any point, they can come back to pay later from their Profile page. If they never pay, the appointment stays forever as Awaiting Payment, which bring us to ...

Appointment Cleanup Options

If you head over to Appointments > Payment Options, you will see the options to enable Auto-Cleanup and a selection of schedule choices. This is highly recommended. If appointments are chosen but not paid for, they will stay in your calendar forever unless you manually remove them. To avoid this, you can enable the auto-cleanup feature at a set interval of your choosing.

3. Auto Filter Rooms on Page Load

We wrote a little javascript to help customize what filter is triggered on page load.

Put this in your child theme functions file.

For version 2 +

// themo_hook_head_css = to add custom css or JS to your head
function themo_hook_head_css() {
        jQuery(window).load(function($) {
            // Change collaboration to your filter name.
            var filterby = 'collaboration';
            // DONT EDIT BEYOND THIS
                // options
                itemSelector: '.th-portfolio-item',
                layoutMode: 'fitRows'
            jQuery('.th-portfolio-row').isotope({ filter: '.p-'+filterby }); // Filter by specific class
            jQuery('a[data-filter=\"*\"]').removeClass( 'current'); // Remove All as active
            jQuery('a[data-filter=\"#portfolio_content .p-'+filterby+'\"]').addClass( 'current'); // Add active state to specific class.
    echo $output;

For earlier versions:

// themo_hook_head_css = to add custom css or JS to your head
function themo_hook_head_css() {
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            // Change collaboration to your filter name.
            var filterby = 'king';
            // DONT EDIT BEYOND THIS
                // options
                itemSelector: '.rooms-item',
                layoutMode: 'fitRows'
            jQuery('.rooms-row').isotope({ filter: '.p-'+filterby }); // Filter by specific class
            jQuery('a[data-filter=\"*\"]').removeClass( 'current'); // Remove All as active
            jQuery('a[data-filter=\"#themo_rooms_1 .p-'+filterby+'\"]').addClass( 'current'); // Add active state to specific class.
    echo $output;

Then change the filterby variable to the filter you wish to auto filter by on page load.

In the example above I want to auto filter on page load by the 'king' filter. You can see an example of the 'king' filter on this page although we don't have it auto filtering at this time.


4. Using Polylang

Helpful Links

Errors and troubleshooting

If you see the Illegal offset error, go to Appearance / Theme Options / Top Navigation and save changes. No other action is required. 

Default home page cannot be seen. You must create a translation in all languages in order to use it as a default Front page.

Menu is removed - Same as above, you must create a menu for both English and french in order for the default menu to show.

Polylang Setup in Bellevue

  1. Install and Activate Polylang
  2. Go to settings / languages / Choose a language / Save changes, in my example I’ll use English Canadian or en_CA
  3. Add as many languages as you need for your website. In my example I’ll be using French Canadian fr_CA
  4. Your languages page should look something like this Screenshot
  5. Media Library - If you don’t need your media library translated (most people don't) please deactivate this under Settings / Languages / Settings / Media - choose Deactivate. Screenshot
  6. Assign default language to existing content
    • If you are translating existing content from a previous website or if you have used the DEMO IMPORT then you will need to specify a language for all the existing content.
    • Please use this guide:
      • I’ve found the quickest way to the bulk edit mode.
    • Set the default language for all content using the bulk mode.
      • DO THIS FIRST > Custom Post Types under Dashboard / Bellevue
        • Accordions
        • Brands
        • FAQ’s
        • Featured
        • Pricing Plans
        • Sliders
        • Teams
        • Thumbnail Sliders
        • Tours
        • Service Blocks & Showcase
      • DO THIS SECOND > Rooms
      • DO THIS THIRD > Posts
      • DO THIS LAST > Pages

Adding a switcher

Quickest way to add a switcher is as a widget. Appearance / Widgets / Drag and drop the Language switcher into the primary sidebar.

There are also other settings as well here:

Translating a Page

Click on the + icon under All Pages / to create a translation or open the page you wish to translate for editing and click on the flag you wish to create a translation for.


This will create a new page, then you can choose a title, click inside the content editor and then click publish.

Once this is done, Polylang should copy over all meta boxes and content from the original translation of that page. If not you may need to move some content over manually.

You may notice that some content is missing, this is because you may need to create translations of those custom post types.

Example: The Explore page had three service blocks, What to do , what to see and where to eat. When I translate this page those service blocks won’t show in the French version until they are created and added to the correct group.

English Version live view:

English Version edit view (Service block meta box) Selected by Group ‘Explore - What to do’.

French Version live view

French Version edit view (Service block meta box) Selected by Group ‘Explore - What to do’.

To remedy - Go into Dashboard / Bellevue / Service Blocks and find those service blocks and translate them into the new language and also make sure they are part of the same group ‘Explore - What to do’. Use the plus symbol again.

French Version live view after adding the Service Block Translation.

5. Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar

To add WooCommerce to a booking calendar you'll need to include the product ID as part of the shortcode. Here is a snippet from our documentation (scroll down to the heading 'WP Booking System'):


and replace the ID (or 458) with the ID of your new product (

Your shortcode should look something like this:

[wpbs id="1" form="1" title="no" legend="yes" start="1" display="3" language="auto" history="1" tooltip="1" month="0" year="0" selection="multiple" autopending="yes" weeknumbers="no" wooproductid="458"]

Save changes and view your page.



6. Custom Video Styling

Custom CSS:

.video-container {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;
    padding-top: 30px;
    height: 0;
    overflow: hidden;

.video-container iframe,  
.video-container object,  
.video-container embed {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

.entry-content img,
.entry-content iframe,
.entry-content object,
.entry-content embed {
        max-width: 100%;

Custom DIV

<div class="video-container">
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="paste your yourtube link here" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


7. How to Update Stratus


Before updating please find out which version of Stratus you have. Stratus V2 is not compatible with V3

Not sure which version you have?

You can find out quickly and easily. 

Example for Stratus Version 2

Example for Stratus Version 3

From WP Dash / Appearance / Themes / you can click on the Stratus theme and notice the version number.

Looking for the latest copy of Stratus V2 or V3?

Once you know your version, please use the following links to get the latest theme files.

Looking to upgrade from Stratus V2 -> V3? 

Please see: Upgrading from Stratus v2 to Stratus v3

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

8. How the WP Booking System works with WooCommerce

That explains how to you add an add to cart button to the booking form.

Here are the steps:

1) Follow this guide to set it up: Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar

2) Once #1 is complete, when someone fills out a booking form an 'Add to cart' button will appear, along with a message you can customize. "to complete your reservation, please add your room to the cart and checkout".

This custom message can be edited, under WP Booking System / Forms / Edit / Translations / 'Thank you Message'.

You can also change the text of the 'Add to cart' button, see here: Change WooCommerce Add to Cart button text.

2) Once they click on 'Add to Cart' button, the view cart button will appear. 

You can also skip this step and have the add to cart button go directly to the checkout page, see here: Skip Cart Go Straight to Checkout Page in WooCommerce

3) Once on the cart or checkout pages, the visitor processes their order as they would any other eCommerce site and their payment is accepted.

WooCommerce will keep a separate order from the Booking System. Once the payment has been completed you will need to manually update your calendar from pending to booked or whatever your setting are that need to be updated.

Currently there is no communication between WooCommerce and WP Booking System after the reservation has been made and the customer starts the checkout process. We've explained in more detail here:

Here are some additional article that may be of help to you:

9. Email Form Notifications

Adding and editing email notifications is managed in two areas depending on which plugin are you using.


and WP Booking System:

more about WP Booking System...

10. Trigger Mobile Menu

Sometimes you may want to trigger the mobile menu sooner than the default screen size.

** Before you customize, please back up your files so you can roll your changes back if you need to.**

First thing is to add this custom css under theme options / general / custom css

/* Mobile Menu */

@media screen and (max-width:991px) {

    .navbar-header {float:none}

    .navbar-toggle {display:block}

    .navbar-collapse {
        border-top:1px solid transparent;
        box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.1);        
    .navbar-collapse.collapse {display:none!important}

    .navbar-nav {
        float:none !important;
        margin:7.5px -15px;

    .navbar-nav > li {float:none}
    .navbar-nav > li > a {
    .navbar-text {        
        margin:15px 0;
    } {display:block !important}

    .collapsing {overflow:hidden !important}

    .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {

    .navbar-default .navbar-collapse {border:0}

    .navbar .navbar-nav {
        margin:0 0 10px;
        border-top:1px solid #e7e7e7 !important
    .navbar .navbar-nav > li > a {
        padding:10px 15px;

    .navbar .navbar-nav > li > a:after,
    .navbar .navbar-nav > li > a:hover:after {height:0 !important}

    .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-toggle {background-color:#eee !important}

    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu {background-color:#f4f4f4}

    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu li a {line-height:200%}

    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu a {background-color:transparent !important}

    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu {
        padding:5px 0;
        box-shadow:0 0 0 0;
    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu li a {
        padding:5px 15px 5px 25px;
    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu li a:hover,
    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu a {color:#333 !important}

    .navbar .navbar-nav .dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu {display:none}
    .navbar .navbar-nav > .dropdown-menu {display:block}

    .navbar .navbar-nav li:last-child .dropdown-menu {
    .navbar .caret {display:inline-block}

@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) {
    .navbar-toggle {margin-right:0}

Second step edit assets/js/main.js

line 60 max-width:767px -> 991px

line 67 min-width:768px -> 992px

line 301 max-width:767px -> 991px

That's it. Make sure to clear your cache and fresh.

Tested on our local dev :)

11. Setup Auto Pending on the Bellevue Booking System

To set auto-pending. You need tow things. 

1) One of the legend statuses set to auto-pending (See star button)

2) then you'll need to set auto pending in the shortcode. 


[wpbs id="1" form="1" title="no"  legend="yes"  start="1"  display="3" language="auto" history="1" tooltip="1" month="0" year="0" selection="multiple" autopending="yes"  weeknumbers="no" wooproductid="458"]

12. Custom Calendars

QuickCal allows you to create calendars for each service you offer. Each calendar can have its own default time slots, custom time slots and custom fields. This makes it incredibly powerful for business that offer different services on different days or times.

If you only offer a single service and do not need different calendars, you can stick with the "Default" calendar. Otherwise, you'll want to head over to the Appointments > Calendars section to add your calendars.

Once you have your calendars created, you can then head back to the Settings page and create time slots and custom fields for each calendar. Keep in mind two things:

  1. If you do not add calendar specific time slots or custom fields, that calendar will use the "Default" ones instead. If you do NOT want this to happen, you need to either remove the default time slots and fields, or create ones for the calendar.
  2. Each calendar can be assigned to either an Administrator or Booking Agent user. If assigned, then all notifications and calendar access will be specific to that user. Administrators can still see all of the calendars, but Booking Agents can only see calendars they are assigned to.

As an example regarding the first point:
If you have two services that share the same time slots but have different custom fields, you could create time slots under the "Default" calendar, and then leave the calendars blank. Add some custom fields to each calendar, and you're all set. They will both use the same time slot settings, but have different custom fields.

Displaying your calendars:
Each calendar uses the same [quickcal-calendar] shortcode, but you must add its ID as the "calendar" field. So for example, if your calendar ID is 123, your shortcode would look like this:

[quickcal-calendar calendar="123"]

More shortcode examples here: Shortcodes

13. Recommended Server Settings

Check with your web host to ensure it meets the following recommended settings by WordPress

As per :

The site needs:

Highly recommended

Your web host will know what all these terms mean and they should be able to configure your website to includes these settings without any issue.

Here is a helpful article on setting these limits yourself.

14. Default Time Slots

Setting your default time slots is at the heart of the QuickCal plugin. Each day is given default time slots. For example, if your business is open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm and you have 2 employees available every hour, you would create 2 times slots every hour from 8–4, Monday – Friday.


To quickly add a bunch of time slots, you can use the Bulk time slot entry option:

  1. Click "Add..." at the top of the day you're adding time slots to.
  2. Switch to the "Bulk" tab.
  3. Add a "Title" for these time slots if needed (optional).
  4. For the "Start time...", select "8:00am".
  5. For the "End time...", select "4:00pm".
  6. Leave the next dropdown as "Every 1 hour" to set your time slots every hour.
  7. Choose "2 time slots" as the last option, and then click "Add".
  8. Your available time slots for that day will then be added and your customers can start booking appointments!


Alternatively, you can add a single time slot to any day/time:

  1. Click "Add..." at the top of the day you're adding time slots to.
  2. Add a "Title" for these time slots if needed (optional).
  3. Choose a "Start time" and "End time" and then select how many time slots you want to add.
  4. Click "Add" and that time slot entry will be added as a default for that day.

15. Migrating from Entrepreneur v1 to Entrepreneur v2

In June 2018 we launched the largest update ever for our Entrepreneur theme that includes a long list of new features and improvements, the most important one being a brand new visual drag and drop builder.

Our original meta box page builder system worked very well, but now that Entrepreneur had been available for 3 years a lot changed and the new system is a great improvement.

We wanted to deliver the best possible experience and didn't want to compromise on the features of the new version so it is a full rebuild, and as such there isn't a simple upgrade option from v1 to v2. It's essentially a new theme. So for all existing customers, you have the option to continue to use v1, or included for free - you can install v2 as a new theme and recreate your content in the new system.

If you choose to upgrade to v2, we strongly recommend making a backup, though we don't expect any issues to arise.

How to upgrade

Download the latest theme from your ThemeForest downloads page,

Upload the theme zip to your website and activate.

You may see a notice when trying to activate the new theme.

There is a safety switch, which you can turn off. 




Once you have used the new installer (as seen here), you may need to set your active menu and homepage.

That's it!

You should see a page like: 

How to access your old content

You may want access to your old content but since we no longer use the old metabox builder you won't have access as these plugins have been disabled. You can reactivate the old theme to get access to your old content at anytime. Just activate Entrepreneur version 1, and you will also need or reactivate a few plugins:

404 Error - If you see a 404 error trying to access your old Room, try going to Settings / permalinks / and click save to reset the permalink structure. You may need to do the same step when reactivating the new version of Entrepreneur.

Switch back to the new version when you are ready.

There is separate documentation for the new version which is available here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket here on the support system:

16. E-mail forms not sending / receiving

Some Bellevue users have experienced an issue where email from the WP Booking system and also Formidable is not sending. Please ensure your web host has enabled php script allowing email to be sent form the website.

Thank you Emanuel for sharing your solution with us.

You can also try adding a SMTP plugin to authenticate emails and improve deliverable rates. 

We recommend.

17. List of Required and Recommended Plugins for Bellevue.



Delete these after install / activation

18. Setting up Booking, Terms of Service and Deposits.

Make sure to use the auto pending feature so that when someone requests a stay, those dates will automatically be set to a different color to indicate that they are not available. We wrote a guide here: 

Setup Auto Pending on the Bellevue Booking System

Next I would create a form to go with the calendar and ask for Name and Email and Phone, this will become your booking reference so that you can match them up with the deposit inside of WooCommerce. You can find the forms under Dashboard / WP Booking / Forms / Add New if you haven't already. Create your form. If you want notifications and or Auto Reply please set those up as well. Then you can include that form with your calendar when you add the calendar to your page. It's under the section 'Form Options'. There is a screenshot of this in the article above.

The Calendar also has an option for specifying Minimum Days. It's also included in the screenshot inside the guide above.

Then you will want to create a product in WooCommerce that will be used to price out your room and add it to the calendar shortcode. We wrote a guide on there here:

Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar

Once the visitors requests a booking, an add to cart button will appear and they can proceed to checkout.

For the second half, taking deposits, terms of service, etc, you will need to use WooCommerce as the WP Booking System plugin will pass the prices off to WooCommerce and WooCommerce handles all the payments. 

Adding Terms of Service Check box Video: 

As for the deposits, the plugin will take the days booked and use that as a multiplier for the quantity added to the cart. If you book 5 days, it will take the product and multiply it by 5. So if you would like to take a deposit perhaps you can reduce the $ amount on the product and then change the text that shows up on he product indicating that this is a deposit.

There are also several plugins that helps taking partial payments. Please contact the plugin author to ensure it will work the way you want it to . Here is one I found.

I think that covers your questions. Let us know how it goes and if you have any other questions for us. We are happy to help. Cheers!

19. Enable Transparent Header for Touch Laptops.

We disable transparency for touch because of some inconsistencies with mobile menu. You can certain try it with transparency by turning this setting off for "touch" devices. It will still disable for smaller screens like iPhone.

Open bellevue/assets/js/main.js

line 263 of main.js

var isTouch = Modernizr.touch ||

should be

var isTouch = false ||

Also, go into page-header.php and change

            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                "use strict";
                if (Modernizr.touch) {
                    <?php echo sanitize_text_field($background_js);  ?>


            jQuery(document).load(function($) {
                "use strict";
                if (Modernizr.touch) {
                    <?php echo sanitize_text_field($background_js);  ?>

That should be it. :)

20. Migrating Translations from Booked to QuickCal

If you've been using the WordPress plugin "Booked - Appointment Booking for WordPress" and are now transitioning to its successor, "QuickCal - Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress", you'll want to ensure that your translations seamlessly transfer over. This guide will walk you through the process of migrating your translation files (.po files) from the Booked plugin to a system folder to avoid losing them during the plugin deletion process. We'll be using Loco Translate, a popular translation management plugin, to simplify this task.

Why Migrate Translations?

Migrating translations is essential to maintain a consistent user experience for your audience. If you don't migrate your translations, you risk losing them when you uninstall the Booked plugin, making your QuickCal setup less user-friendly for non-English-speaking users.

Step-by-Step Migration Guide

Follow these steps to migrate your translations from Booked to QuickCal:

  1. Access Loco Translate:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Find "Loco Translate" in the sidebar menu and click on it.
  2. Select the Booked Plugin translation:
    • Under Loco Translate click on "Plugins."
  3. Choose the Language to Migrate:
    • You'll see a list of installed plugins. Find "Booked" in the list and click on it.
  4. Select the Language to Migrate:
    • In the Booked translation settings, choose the language you wish to migrate. In this example, we'll use "English (United States)."
  5. Access the "Relocate" Tab:
    • Click on the "Relocate" tab.
  6. Choose "System" for Location:
    • If "Author" or "Custom" is currently selected, switch it to "System." If "System" is already selected, no further action is needed.
  7. Move Files:
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the "Relocate" tab and click "Move Files."
  8. Verify Migration:
    • If you haven't already, install and activate the QuickCal plugin on your WordPress website. Ensure it's up and running before proceeding with the migration.
    • To confirm that your translations have been successfully migrated over to QuickCal, go to your QuickCal settings and check that the translated content is displaying correctly.

By following these steps, you can migrate your translations from the Booked plugin to QuickCal seamlessly. This ensures that your multilingual audience can continue to use your website without any interruptions caused by missing translations.

21. Can I Use The Theme On More Than One Website?

The licensing is determined by ThemeForest, and the basics of the ThemeForest license is:

"You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client"

The way we generally look at it is if the sites are on different domains, then they would require separate licenses.

There are however these exceptions:

- multiple domains being used for the same website
- development/test sites
- different language versions of a website
- split testing / variations of the same website
- websites that are never published online

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to open a ticket.

22. Adding Yoast Breadcrumbs to rooms and pages.

Big thank you to Mario for posting his guide. He took the time to share his solution for other to use. Thank you!!

You'll need to have the Yoast SEO plugin installed Make sure you have the Child Theme installed and copy the bellevue/templates/page-header-rooms.php to your Child Theme into the templates folder

Then on your dashboard, Apperance>>Editor  -- Make sure you select the Bellevue Child Theme and edit page-header-rooms.php around line 210 Find    


Type this code BEFORE it          

<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') )
{yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');} ?>

On your dashboard, Apperance>>Theme Options in your custom CSS add this to display the breadcrumbs on the right side instead of the default left side. If you're happy with displaying breadcrums on left side, than ignore this step.

#breadcrumbs {float: right; margin-right: 200px;}

If you want to remove the breadcrumbs from devices with screens smaller then 767px (mobile devices)

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) 
{#breadcrumbs {display: none !important;} }

To have the breadcrumbs on all your other pages except the Home (front) page Make sure you have the Child Theme installed and copy the bellevue/templates/page-header-rooms.php to your Child Theme into the templates folder

On your dashboard, Apperance>>Editor  -- Make sure you select the Bellevue Child Theme and edit page-header.php at the very end add this code

<?php if (is_front_page()) {
            echo '';
} else {
if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
     yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
} ?>

If you ALSO want to show the Breadcrumbs on the Home page then just use this code instead     

<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') )
         {yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');} ?>

23. Migrating from Pursuit v1 to Pursuit v2

In early 2018 we launched the largest update ever for our Pursuit theme that includes a long list of new features and improvements, the most important one being a brand new visual drag and drop builder.

Our original meta box page builder system worked very well, but now that Pursuit had been available for 3+ years a lot changed and the new system is a great improvement.

We wanted to deliver the best possible experience and didn't want to compromise on the features of the new version which is based around the powerful Elementor builder. Since it's a different page builder from the previous version, there isn't a simple upgrade option from v1 to v2. So for all existing customers, you have the option to continue to use v1, or included for free - you can install v2 as a new theme and recreate your content in the new system.

If you choose to upgrade to v2, we recommend starting with a clean install on a new site.

There is separate documentation for the new version which is available here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket here on the support system:

24. Start here!

Looking for more help or documentation? Please visitor our new knowledge base here:

If you are still having issues, please let us know, we can help.

25. Updating Pursuit Version 1.2.5 and earlier

Please make sure you know which version of Pursuit you are currently using before continuing. Not sure?

The most recent version of Pursuit 1 is Version 1.2.6 and you can download it here.

Once you have downloaded the zip from the link above, unzip it on your local drive.

  1. First of all we recommend making a backup of your files and database when updating the theme, just in case even though it should go over smoothly.
  2. If you have made any modifications to the core theme files then you’ll need to make note of the changes, and in that case we would definitely recommend making a backup. A program like WinMerge (Windows) or DiffMerge (Cross platform) can also be very helpful in that situation. For theme file changes, we always recommend using a child theme instead of editing the theme itself.
  3. If you haven’t made any core theme file changes, the best way to update the theme would be to extract the download package and overwrite the theme folder over FTP.
  4. If you’re not familiar with FTP, then you can just go into the WP dashboard and delete the theme, then install the newly downloaded version of the theme as you normally would (note that you’ll have to switch the theme before deleting it, since WP doesn’t allow you to delete the active theme.) Since your content and settings are stored in the database, you won’t be deleting that content.
  5. If you have any questions, feel free to open a support ticket.

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

Pursuit 1 Change log

VERSION 1.2.5 – JUL 5, 2016

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.2.4 – JUN 15, 2016

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.2.3 – APR 12, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.2.2 – MAR 9, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.2.1 – JAN 12, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.2 – OCT 24, 2015

New Features

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.7 – SEPT 2, 2015

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.6 – JUNE 9, 2015

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.5 – APRIL 29, 2015

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.4 – APRIL 28, 2015

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.3 – MAR 13, 2015

New Features

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.2 – FEB 20, 2015

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1.1 – DEC 10, 2014

New Features

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.1 – NOV 14, 2014

New Feature

VERSION 1.0.2 – NOV 9, 2014

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.0.1 – NOV 6, 2014

Updates & Fixes

VERSION 1.0 – NOV 4, 2014

Initial Release

26. Promoting from development to production

For promoting from development to production we find tools like this one are amazing for migrating databases, then you don't have to do the find / replace bit:

Since the options builder we are using (OptionTree) stores the data as serialized it makes it much more difficult to do a simple find / replace and that's why the link above is so great. That service does have a max database size of 5mb though, so we've also found an open source tool that works similarly without the max size limitation:

This is something you can download locally and it supports serialized data as well.

Using a Plugin

As another option, one of our awesome customers has used and recommends the following premium tools which handle the migration from Development to Production.

Thanks Tom!

27. Demo Content

Different demos

There are several live demos, Urban Guest House (Yaletown), Chalet (Rustic), Countryside (Parksville), Beach House (Long Beach), Lake Cabin (Lakeshore), Hotel (Bellevue) and One Pager Style (Yaletown one pager). 

The demos are virtually identical so we've combined them into one import file "demo_import.xml). The homepage and sub pages should look like like all the demos apart from the stock photos which we explain in detail below. If there is something missing that you need assistance with please let us know and we can help guide you through.

If you are looking for the home page slider that has a calendar in it, we've provided an article on how to set that up here: 

Adding Calendar to Slider (Chalet Demo)

If you are looking to setup a form on the homepage like the Hotel, Beachhouse demos please see:

Adding Form to Slider (Hotel, Beachhouse Demo)

Stock photos and image placeholders

We ship the theme with placeholder images for two reasons:

  1. Some of the photos are protected by copyright because they are stock images. *
  2. Many web hosts experienced timeouts when we tried to include photos within the import.

We've provided placeholder images and solid colours as part of the import. We've also provided links to a dropbox folder with the photos that are part of the the creative common license. This file is located under the demo content folder in the theme zip download from Theme Forest.


* We can provide link to stock photos upon request so you can purchase your own copy.

We are happy to assist you with any questions or concerns, just let us know how we can help or improve our setup. 

28. Front-End Agents

Create a Profile Page (if you don't have one already)

To create the profile page, simply create a page and call it Profile (or whatever you'd like) and then place the following shortcode on the page:


Visit the Profile Page

Now that you have a Profile page, visit this page as a logged in Booking Agent or Administrator. You will see three tabs:

  1. Upcoming Appointments — These are the appointments in your assigned calendars that are upcoming. You can view and/or cancel them from this tab.
  2. Pending Appointments — These are appointments that were submitted but not approved yet. You can view, approve, and/or cancel them from this tab.
  3. Appointment History — This is where all of your past appointments will end up. You can view and/or delete them from this tab.

29. Missing photos after demo import.

If you have not imported yet, make sure to follow all the instructions to import the demo content along with the place holder images here: specifically the checkbox that says, "download and import file attachments" - make sure it's checked!

Still having issues? Try again...

You can import the demo content if you've missed the step or something went wrong after activation. The import is in your zip that you would have downloaded from ThemeForest. It should be under the /demo_content folder and the file is called Bellevue-demo-content.xml

If you go to Tools / Import / WordPress you should be able to import the pages and placeholder images again. You'll probably want to start the import process from a clean slate. Make sure that all posts and pages have been deleted and removed from your Trash tabs. If you have customized or add pages make sure not to delete your work or back it up.

also under posts and remove all content under Belleve. If you have made modifications then you'll want to back these up to try proceeding without deleting them.

Once this is cleaned up you should be able to import the demo again. It might not be perfect because the demo content is supposed to be installed on a new site but it should be helpful to you. :-)

30. Updating Bellevue (Version 1.9.2 and earlier)

Please make sure you know which version of Bellevue you are currently using before continuing. Not sure?

The most recent version of Bellevue 1 is Version 1.9.4 and you can download it here.

Once you have downloaded the zip from the link above, you can continue.

  1. First of all we recommend making a backup of your files and database when updating the theme, just in case even though it should go over smoothly.
  2. If you have made any modifications to the core theme files then you’ll need to make note of the changes, and in that case we would definitely recommend making a backup. A program like WinMerge (Windows) or DiffMerge (Cross platform) can also be very helpful in that situation. For theme file changes, we always recommend using a child theme instead of editing the theme itself.
  3. If you haven’t made any core theme file changes, the best way to update the theme would be to extract the download package and overwrite the theme folder over FTP.
  4. If you’re not familiar with FTP, then you can just go into the WP dashboard and delete the theme, then install the newly downloaded version of the theme as you normally would (note that you’ll have to switch the theme before deleting it, since WP doesn’t allow you to delete the active theme.) Since your content and settings are stored in the database, you won’t be deleting that content.
  5. If you have any questions, feel free to open a support ticket.

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

Bellevue Version 1 Change log

VERSION 1.9.1 - Sep 14th, 2017


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.8.9 - Apr 14th, 2017


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.8.8 - Apr 4th, 2017


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.8.6 & 1.8.7 - Mar 17nd, 2017


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.8.5 - Jan 2nd, 2017


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.8.4 - Dec 6th, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.8 - Nov 7th, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.7 - Oct 27th, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.6.6 - Oct 4th, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.6.5 - Jul 9th, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.6.4 - July 4th, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.6.3 - June 21nd, 2016


Files Updated:

VERSION 1.6.2 - June 2nd, 2016

Bug Fixes

Files Updated:

VERSION 1.6.1 - May 10th, 2016

VERSION 1.6 - April 23rd, 2016

VERSION 1.5.5 - April 12th, 2016

VERSION 1.5.4 - March 25th, 2016

VERSION 1.5.2 FEB 28, 2016

VERSION 1.5.1 JAN 21, 2016

VERSION 1.5 JAN 16, 2016

Version 1.4.3 - Dec 18, 2015

Updated all plugins
+ bellevue-custom-post-types,zip (new version)
+ (new version)
+ (new version)
+ (new version)
+ (new version)
+ (new version)
+ style.cs (Version bump)
+ lib/custom.php (bug fixes)
+ assets/js/main.js (bug fixes)
+ templates/meta-testimonials.php (bug fixes)
+ lang/bellevue.pot (added)

Version 1.3.6 - October 23, 2015

+ templates/meta-slider-flex.php

Added Target attribute on the button shortocde.

+ lang/

+ lang/bellevue_en.po

Update localization to support plugins and option tree

+ lib/titles.php

Typo causing error. esc_html__ on line 33 was duplicated

+ assets/js/main.js

Adding support for external links to angular sites.

+ lib/custom.php

Master Slider Version Bump

+ assets/js/main.js

+ assets/js/vendor/vendor_footer.js

Correct bug / lightbox reversed order via prev / next

+ style.css

Version bump

Version 1.3.4 - October 6, 2015

File: assets/js/vendor/vendor_footer.js

Note: Correct bug / lightbox reversed order via prev / next

File: lib/custom.php

Note: Bellevue Shortcode Plugin - Update 1.2.4 - Support for pre / next inside lightbox for slider_gallery

File: plugins/

Note: Bellevue Shortcode Plugin - Update 1.2.4 - Support for pre / next inside lightbox for slider_gallery

File: register-meta-boxes.php

Note: Fixed missing service block custom post types from showing inside the select individually service block split metabox.

File: style.css

Note: Version bump

Version 1.1 - August 25, 2015

Initial Release

31. Calendar Feeds

When QuickCal is installed and activated, you will see a tab in the main Settings area titled "Calendar Feeds". Click on that to access the URLs you can use to setup the feeds in your favorite calendar application.

Google Calendar

When viewing your calendar, look on the left side of the screen for the "Other Calendars" section. To the right of the title is a small arrow icon. Click that, and then click the "From URL" option:

Copy and paste in the feed URL you've chosen from the QuickCal settings screen. Click the "Add Calendar" button and your appointments will start to automatically load in and sync whenever a new one is added via your website.

Apple Calendar

With the calendar application open, go to "File > New Calendar Subscription...":

Copy and paste in the feed URL you've chosen from the QuickCal settings screen. Click the "Subscribe" button and your appointments will start to automatically load in and sync whenever a new one is added via your website.


From the Tools menu select Account Settings. Click on the Internet Calendars tab. Click on the New button. Type or paste the Calendar Feed URL and then click Add.

In the Subscription Options dialog box, you can optionally rename the calendar.

32. Page Header Background Settings.

To help you replicate the demo, please install / import the demo content you can see a video of how to do this here:

If you are trying to add your own custom page header background, try these settings:

Taken from this page (our live demo):

Cheers! :)

33. How to update Pursuit


Before updating please find out which version of Pursuit you have. Pursuit V2 is not compatible with V1

Not sure which version you have?

You can find out quickly and easily. From WP Dash / Appearance / Themes / you can click on the Pursuit theme and notice the version number.

Example for Pursuit Version 1

Example for Pursuit Version 2

Looking for the latest copy of Pursuit ?

Once you know your version, please use the following links to get the latest theme files.

Looking to upgrade from Pursuit V1 -> V2? 

We don't recommend updating from V1 -> V2 at this time. We encourage you to upgrade version to to 1.2.5 which is the most up to date version 1.

We will continue to keep this version updated for you.

If you would like to run version 2,  download the latest from ThemeForest and install on a separate demo site so that you can test it out and run your old site at the same time as the new version. Then you can manually migrate your content over. 

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

34. Optimal header image sizes and settings

If you want to adjust your image more specifically, try unchecking parallax and play around withe the background settings so that you can pick a focal point, like center center. 

As an example of my page:

Here is the background settings to make the image stay crisp while centering it properly:

Actual image link (1400 x 600)

I'm viewing your site on a 1920 x 1200 monitor.

35. Seasonal Pricing

What we've done is we have snapped the wp booking system into WooCommerce so that each calendar can be tied in with a product or in the case of a variable product, a sku.

You can create one product in WooCommerce and choose variable which allows you to set multiple prices for 1 product.

Once that is done you can add the sku replace of the ID like this:


So altogether your shortcode would look something like this:

[wpbs id="1" form="1" title="no" legend="yes" start="1" display="3" language="auto" history="1" tooltip="1" month="0" year="0" selection="multiple" autopending="yes" weeknumbers="no" wooproductsku="room_1_summer"]

Then you create a calendar for each season and use the corresponding sku for that season rate. Something like this:
Summer Calendar:

[wpbs id="1" form="1" title="no" legend="yes" start="1" display="3" language="auto" history="1" tooltip="1" month="0" year="0" selection="multiple" autopending="yes" weeknumbers="no" wooproductsku="room_1_summer"]

Winter Calendar:

[wpbs id="2" form="1" title="no" legend="yes" start="1" display="3" language="auto" history="1" tooltip="1" month="0" year="0" selection="multiple" autopending="yes" weeknumbers="no" wooproductsku="room_1_winter"]

With the WP Booking System, you can create a calendar for each season, and then block off the dates that fall outside of that season, allowing the customer to only selected dates that fall within, coupled with the sku for that seasons rate, the calendars shortcode will add the room with the correct price.

You can also use the same calendar for both seasons, just make sure to add a unique wooproductsku to tell the calendar what pricing to use.


Setup a variable product:

Add variations 

Add variation prices

Add the calendars to your page

Should look like this in text mode. Make sure to add your wooproductsku parameter.

Add second calendar (notice the Start Month for winter season, could be helpful)

and now how the shortcodes should look in text mode. Make sure to add your wooproductsku parameter.

Make sure you have specified your cart, checkout pages

update your cart behaviour


After Book is clicked

Should be redirected to cart page.

That's it!

36. Limit to rooms shown | Max Rooms

Sometimes you may want to show more than 10 rooms at once. There is an easy fix! If you go to settings / reading / and edit the show blogs at most setting, bump it from 10 to whatever you need. :)

37. How to find what version of the theme you are using.

Login into your WordPress admin panel and go to “Appearance” -> “Themes”. Here are listed all your installed themes. Click on desired theme and pop-up window will appear. On the right-side, near theme name is displayed theme version. This method works both for active and inactive themes.

38. * New Theme Documentation and Help Articles *

We have a new knowledge base to answer any questions that you have about the theme:

If you have any questions not answered in the knowledge base, please feel free to open a ticket here on Ticksy.

39. Custom Star Rating to Testimonials.

Although the testimonials do not include a star rating you can certainly use the built in Glyphicons to make a star rating. Here is an example of what you would add to the Quote area.

<span class="glyphicons glyphicons-star"></span><span class="glyphicons glyphicons-star"></span><span class="glyphicons glyphicons-star"></span><span class="glyphicons glyphicons-star"></span><span class="glyphicons glyphicons-star"></span>

There are also many plugins that can provide you with advance testimonial quote bubbles. 

40. Shortcodes

There are a number of shortcodes included to display specific content anywhere on your website. Let's start with the booking calendar/list.

Booking Calendar:

The [quickcal-calendar] shortcode displays the booking calendar (or single day) for your users to book appointments.


This attribute let's you choose between the default calendar view or a single day "list" view. [quickcal-calendar style="list"]

This attribute let's you display the "switcher" to swith between calendars on the front-end: [quickcal-calendar switcher="true"]

Year, Month, and/or Day:
Use these attributes to display a specific "year" and/or "month". You can also add a "day" attribute when using the "list" style (see above).
[quickcal-calendar year="2023" month="3" day="15"]

Use the "calendar" attribute to display a specific calendar (if you have any created). Otherwise, QuickCal will simply display the default calendar. You must use the Calendar's ID (you can find calendar-specific shortcodes on the Settings screen).
[quickcal-calendar calendar="2"]

This attribute let's you change the size from the default full size to the "small" size if needed. This is good for calendars that are displayed in narrow areas.
[quickcal-calendar size="small"]

Members Only:
This attribute will hide the appointment calendar from non-logged-in users. This is great to use in conjunction with the Profile shortcode (below) to display a login form on a page, and then when the user logs in it will show them the profile page as well as a booking calendar.
[quickcal-calendar members-only="true"]

QuickCal Profile:


Use this shortcode on the page you're using for the profile view. This only works with "Registered Booking".

QuickCal Login Form:


By default, this login form will show up in the profile shortcode for non-logged-in users. However, if you want to display the login form somewhere else, you can use this shortcode to display it.

QuickCal Appointments:


If the need arises, you can use this shortcode to display the currently logged in user's upcoming appointments in a simple list view. This will only show upcoming appointments and nothing else. Good for sidebar widgets, etc.

41. Customization to show 2 rooms or 2 columns vs 3, 4 or 5.

To show 2 rooms. Put this under Appearance / Theme Options / General / Custom CSS

@media screen and (min-width:992px) {
   .rooms-row {
       margin-left:auto !important;
       margin-right:auto !important;
   .rooms-row .item {width:380px !important;}

To target just one specific meta box, try putting the meta box ID in front of it. You can also add in a custom anchor ID and use that too.

Example: Let's say you just wanted to target the first rooms meta box.

@media screen and (min-width:992px) {
   #themo_rooms_1 .rooms-row {
       margin-left:auto !important;
       margin-right:auto !important;
   #themo_rooms_1 .rooms-row .item {width:380px !important;}

or a Single Room

@media screen and (min-width:992px) {
   .rooms-row {
       margin-left:auto !important;
       margin-right:auto !important;
   .rooms-row .item {width:380px !important;}


42. Changing the rooms slug, url, permalink

There is a theme option setting to customize the permalink (aka url, slug) for the rooms custom post type.

1) go to theme options / rooms / and change the "Rooms Custom Slug" like so:

then save changes.

2) Go to Settings / permalinks (just go to the page, don't make any changes) this resets the permalink structure.

3) Test

what used to be:


now looks like:



43. How to Update Entrepreneur


Before updating please find out which version of Entrepreneur you have. Entrepreneur V1 is not compatible with V2

Not sure which version you have?

You can find out quickly and easily. 

Example for Entrepreneur Version 1

Example for Entrepreneur Version 2

From WP Dash / Appearance / Themes / you can click on the Bellevue theme and notice the version number.

Looking for the latest copy of Entrepreneur V1 or V2?

Once you know your version, please use the following links to get the latest theme files.

Looking to migrate from Entrepreneur V1 -> V2? 

Please see: Migrating from Entrepreneur v1 to Entrepreneur v2

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

44. How to find your Envato Purchase Code

To get your Envato Purchase Code, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your favorite Envato Marketplace (ThemeForest, CodeCanyon for instance)
  2. Once logged in, move your mouse over your username on the top right
  3. Click on the menu item “Downloads”
  4. Locate the product, and then click on “Download”
  5. Click on “Licence certificate & purchase code” to download the text file
  6. Open it and locate the “Item Purchase Code”

45. Video Tutorials and Guides for Bellevue Hotel + Bed and Breakfast Theme

We have created a website to help you get started with Bellevue, the Hotel + Bed and Breakfast WordPress Theme. Check it out here:

46. Updating the WP Booking System Plugin

You can update the WP Booking System Plugin without updating the Bellevue theme, although we recommend always using the most recent version of the theme and plugins. 

* Always make a full database backup of you website before performing any updates.

To find out how to update the theme please see:

To update the plugin only without updating the entire theme:

You should be using the most recent version of WP Booking System which is version 3.4.2 at the time of writing this article dated September 21, 2016. 

If you have any question you can always contact support and create a ticket here:

Happy to assist. 

47. Upgrading from Stratus v2 to Stratus v3

In November 2017 we launched the largest update ever for our Stratus theme that includes a long list of new features and improvements, the most important one being a brand new visual drag and drop builder.

Our original meta box page builder system worked very well, but now that Stratus had been available for 2 years a lot changed and the new system is a great improvement.

We wanted to deliver the best possible experience and didn't want to compromise on the features of the new version so it is a full rebuild, and as such there isn't a simple upgrade option from v2 to v3. It's essentially a new theme. So for all existing customers, you have the option to continue to use v2, or included for free - you can install v3 as a new theme and recreate your content in the new system.

If you choose to upgrade to v3, we recommend starting with a clean install on a new site.

There is separate documentation for the new version which is available here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket here on the support system:

48. How to Update Bellevue


Before updating please find out which version of Bellevue you have. Bellevue V1 is not compatible with V2

Not sure which version you have?

You can find out quickly and easily. 

Example for Bellevue Version 1

Example for Bellevue Version 2

From WP Dash / Appearance / Themes / you can click on the Bellevue theme and notice the version number.

Looking for the latest copy of Bellevue V1 or V2?

Once you know your version, please use the following links to get the latest theme files.

Looking to migrate from Bellevue V1 -> V2? 

Please see: Migrating from Bellevue v1 to Bellevue v2

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

49. Custom Fields

QuickCal allows you to create any number of Custom Fields to collect additional information when your customers are booking appointments.

Head over to the Appointments > Settings panel and then click on the Custom Fields tab. You can add custom fields to your custom calendars or just to the "Default" calendar. Each item can also be set as required if needed.

  1. Single Line Text: A simple text field for collecting text.
  2. Paragraph Text: A paragraph text field for collecting large chunks of text.
  3. Checkboxes/Radio Buttons: Add checkboxes and/or radio buttons as single or multiple options.
  4. Dropdown: Add a select dropdown to choose a single option.
  5. Text Content: Add custom text/html to your booking form.

50. Migrating from Bellevue v1 to Bellevue v2/v3

In December 2017 we launched the largest update ever for our Bellevue theme that includes a long list of new features and improvements, the most important one being a brand new visual drag and drop builder.

Our original meta box page builder system worked very well, but now that Bellevue had been available for 3 years a lot changed and the new system is a great improvement.

We wanted to deliver the best possible experience and didn't want to compromise on the features of the new version so it is a full rebuild, and as such there isn't a simple upgrade option from v1 to v2/v3. It's essentially a new theme. So for all existing customers, you have the option to continue to use v1, or included for free - you can install v2/v3 as a new theme and recreate your content in the new system.

If you choose to upgrade to v2/v3, we strongly recommend making a backup, though we don't expect any issues to arise.

How to upgrade

Download the latest theme from your ThemeForest downloads page,

Upload the theme zip to your website and activate.

You may see a notice when trying to activate the new theme.

There is a safety switch, which you can turn off. 




Once you have used the new installer (as seen here), you may need to set your active menu and homepage.

That's it!

You should see a page like: 

How to access your old content

You may want access to your old content but since we no longer use the old metabox builder you won't have access as these plugins have been disabled. You can reactivate the old theme to get access to your old content at anytime. Just activate Bellevue version 1, and you will also need or reactivate a few plugins:

404 Error - If you see a 404 error trying to access your old Room, try going to Settings / permalinks / and click save to reset the permalink structure. You may need to do the same step when reactivating the new version of Bellevue.

Switch back to the new version when you are ready.

There is separate documentation for the new version which is available here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket here on the support system:

51. Changing Size of a set Image

The best way to update the add_image_size is to do it in a child theme functions file so you don't edit any core files.

I found an article on that here:

So something perhaps like this on your child theme functions file.

function child_theme_setup() {
add_image_size( 'blog_image', 668, 180, true ); //(cropped) 
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'child_theme_setup', 11 );

Here are all the image sizes used:


Once that is done you will need to reupload or you can use a plugin like to regen the thumbnail sizes. 

I hope that helps you. 

52. Communication between WooCommerce and WP Booking System

The booking system hands off the number of nights to WooCommerce via add_to_cart shortcode but does not pass any other info to WooCommerce.

We’ve recently added support for passing Check and and Check out dates to WooCommerce and we’ve also provided 3 additional custom fields to be used in the future.

This code is available in the child theme that we have included but you may need to work with a developer or designer to enable this and to make this work to your needs.

The plugin is developed by another company and we have requested some big updates, they are currently working on them.

Some people have assed about the order status and if it updates automatically with WooCommerce. WooCommerce does not talk to the WP Booking System like this yet. The WP Booking System can set it to auto pending so that no one else can book those days once the request is made, then Woo takes over for payment. Once the payment has been made and confirmed someone will need to go in and confirm payment then set the auto pending status to ‘Booked’. Currently that’s how it works. 

We’ve requested some updates from the developer and this is something we would like to see too. I’ll be putting a request in. 

53. Enable Sticky Header for Mobile

Our theme automatically disables sticky for mobile, so if you want to enable it , just make this modification and it should world on both desktop and mobile. :)

Open up bellevue/assets/js/main.js

Then edit line 901




of if you want to totally disable this for mobile try:


54. Rooms Sort Order

We wrote some help on sorting here:


and here is a little bit more about adding rooms.

The key is going to be the 'order by' setting inside the Rooms meta box. 

Ensure that 'drag and drop' is selected here.

Then under WP Dash / Rooms / All Rooms, make sure 'Sort by order' has been clicked at the top. 

Then you should be able to drag and drop your order. 

just be clicking and dragging on the rooms.

If you are trying to use Prev / Next navigation in the Rooms page header, then you'll need to make sure that all your rooms belong to at least one group. Call it 'All' and make sure to include this group when you add your rooms to the Rooms meta box 'select by group' field. 

Happy to help if you run into any issues.

55. Adding Form to Slider (Hotel, Beachhouse Demo)

Here is a screenshot of our settings under WP Dash / Bellevue / Sliders / Add New

Here is the live demo:


56. How to Update the Theme

Are you using Stratus V2? Not sure?  Please see important update instructions for Stratus here.

Are you using Bellevue V1? Not sure?  Please see important update instructions for Bellevue here.

Are you using Entrepreneur V1? Not sure?  Please see important update instructions for Entrepreneur here.

For Embark (All versions), Stratus (V3), Bellevue (V2), Entrepreneur (V2), Pursuit (V2), please use the auto update plugin included with the theme setup.

For Eatery:

The latest versions of our themes can be download any time from your ThemeForest download page.

First of all we recommend making a backup of your files and database when updating the theme, just in case even though it should go over smoothly.

If you have made any modifications to the core theme files without using the included child theme then you’ll need to make note of the changes, and in that case we would definitely recommend making a backup. A program like WinMerge (Windows) or DiffMerge (Cross platform) can also be very helpful in that situation. For theme file changes, we always recommend using the included child theme instead of editing the main/parent theme itself.

If you haven’t made any core theme file changes, the best way to update the theme would be to extract the download package and overwrite the (parent) theme folder over FTP.

If you’re not familiar with FTP, then you can just go into the WP dashboard and delete the (parent) theme, then install the newly downloaded version of the theme as you normally would (note that you’ll have to switch the theme before deleting it if you are not using a child theme, since WP doesn’t allow you to delete the active theme.) Since your content and settings are stored in the database, you won’t be deleting that content.

If you have any questions, feel free to open a support ticket.

57. How to change the room descriptions. "sleep 2 queen bad" etc

That's managed under the excerpt of the post. If there is no excerpt present then it will take from the first few words of the content in the content editor.

Happy to answer any questions.

58. Custom Color for Rooms Hover

.room-overlay {
    background-color: #a94442;

* Custom CSS can be added under Dashboard / Appearance / Theme Options / Custom CSS

59. iCal Syncing with WP Booking System

If you want to import iCal into Google Calendar, then you'll love this new feature on WP Booking System.

First you'll need to have copy of Belleuve which comes bundled with the WP Booking System. Once installed you can go to WP Dash and then:

1) Go to WP Booking System / Calendar / a Create a new Calendar

2) Go to WP Booking System / Sync and copy the iCalendar Link of the calendar you want to sync with Google Calendar.

3) Then use the iCal link whenever it is asked by Google when importing or setting up a new iCal sync.

That's it.

* WP Booking System does not sync both ways, only from WP Booking System to Google Cal or any calendar that supports iCal. Syncing from iCal into WP Booking System is something that will be added in a future release.

60. Using the Child theme to add custom scripts in the footer.

If you've install the child theme you'll see that the functions.php file is already there..

You can use cpanel or ftp to edit your functions.php file. The foot scrip  function is already there. 

1) Just uncomment the 

//add_action( 'wp_footer', 'my_themo_footer_scripts' );


add_action( 'wp_footer', 'my_themo_footer_scripts' );

Then you'll want to replace the <script> tags with your code.

So remove :

<script type="text/javascript">
        /* Disable slider_gallery lightbox  */
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            "use strict";
            console.log('My Footer Script');


That should be it.

Make sure your child theme is activate. You can install and activate it just like installing a new theme. The zip will be in your zip you download form themeforest. Look for


61. Installation & Setup Guide

Install the QuickCal Plugin

  1. First things first, go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Upload the plugin file and activate the QuickCal plugin.
  3. That's it! For more help with installing plugins, take a look at this quick guide.

Create a Profile Page (Registered Booking only)

If you would like your customers to be able to manage their own appointments and edit their profile, you'll want to create a profile page. Note: You can skip this if you're going to use QuickCal in "Guest Booking" mode.

  1. Create a page and give it a title. "Profile" works, but it can be whatever you want it to be.
  2. Add the [quickcal-profile] shortcode to the page so your users can log in to view their profile.
  3. You'll probably want to redirect your users to this page upon booking, so go into the Settings panel and choose "Auto-Detect Profile Page" from the Appointment Booking Redirect section.
  4. IMPORTANT: Be sure to enable registration by going to the WordPress Settings > General page. From there check the box next to Membership that says "Anyone can register".
  5. You're done!

WordPress Date/Time Settings

One of the first things you'll want to take care of is to setup your Date/Time settings within WordPress. These settings control some aspects of QuickCal. Head over to Settings > General to set your TimezoneDate FormatTime Format, and the Week Starts On settings. QuickCal uses all of them.

The QuickCal Settings Panel

Head on over to the Appointments > Settings page to familiarize yourself with the settings panel for QuickCal.


  1. Booking Type - You can choose between "Registered" and "Guest" booking. Registered allows your customers to book appointments under their own user account. The bonus here is that you can create a Profile page for them to manage their appointments (see above). Guest booking simply asks for a Name and Email Address to book an appointment. No user is created.
  2. Booking Options - Here you can choose between requiring your customers to enter their name into a single field, or separate fields for First and Last name.
  3. Appointment Booking Redirect -There are three options here:
    1. No Redirect - This will simply reload the appointment list dynamically and leave them on the current page.
    2. Auto-Detect Profile Page - This will find the page you put the [quickcal-profile] shortcode on and redirect them there after booking. This only works with Registered booking.
    3. Choose a Specific Page - This allows you to specify any page your site to redirect to. Great for simple Thank You pages or anything else you might want to display after booking.
  4. Login Redirect - When using the [quickcal-login] anywhere else but the Profile page, you can tell QuickCal where to redirect them. Either back to the same page or some other page. This is useful if you're hiding the appointment booking calendar from non-logged in users and want to include a login form on the page.
  5. Custom Login Tab Content - If you want to include some text (HTML allowed) above the login form fields, you can do that by using this field. This text will only display up on the login tab.
  6. Time Slot Intervals - This allows you to set the intervals needed when creating your time slots. If your time slots are fairly detailed, then you would want to reduce this to something like 5 minutes. This will not affect anything except for the administrative forms you use to add new time slots.
  7. Appointment Buffer - If you want to prevent your customers from booking appointments too close to the current date/time, you can set an appointment buffer. For example, a 24-hour appointment buffer window would prevent users from booking appointments less than a day in advance.
  8. Prevent Appointments Before/After Date - These two date picker options will allow you to globally block out appointments either before a date, after a date, or both.
  9. Cancellation Buffer - If you want to prevent your customers from cancelling appointments too close to the current date/time, you can set the cancellation buffer. For example, a 24-hour buffer window would prevent users from cancelling appointments less than a day in advance.
  10. Appointment Limit - This option is used to limit the number of active appointments a user can book at a time. This does not include past appointments, only upcoming ones.
  11. New Appointment Default - By default appointments must be approved when customers request them. However, if you want them to be automatically approved, you can set this option to "Approve Immediately".
  12. Display Options - This series of checkboxes lets you control the front-end display. You can hide many of the items if needed.
  13. Other Options - A few more checkboxes for customization.
  14. Front-End Color Settings - These options allow you to select between two different calendar styles, and customize the look of your front-end calendars, profile, and appointment lists.


Please see the time slots documentation for this part.


Please see the custom time slots documentation for this part.


Please see the custom fields documentation for this part.


All emails can be turned off one by one by simply removing the content of the email in the fields. If nothing is there then no email is sent. All emails have special tokens you can use in place of actual content. This content is placed into the email when it gets sent. The tokens are listed above each email form.

Customer Emails

  1. Appointment Reminders - Set up your appointment reminder interval and then customize the content of the emails to be sent to administrators or booking agents.
  2. Registration - This is the email that is sent to your new users, welcoming them to your website.
  3. Appointment Confirmation - This email is sent to the user when they book an appointment as a confirmation that the appointment has been submitted.
  4. Appointment Approval - This is the email that is sent to the user when their appointment is approved.
  5. Appointment Cancellation - This is the email that is sent to the user if their appointment is cancelled by the website admin.

Administrative Emails

  1. Appointment Reminders - Set up your appointment reminder interval and then customize the content of the emails to be sent to administrators or booking agents.
  2. New Appointment Request - This email is sent to the admin user when a new appointment is created and is now in the pending list.
  3. Appointment Cancellation - This email is sent to the admin user when a customer cancels an appointment from their profile.

Email Settings

  1. Logo Image - Upload your own logo or email banner to customize the look of your notification emails.
  2. Default Notification Email - This is where emails will be sent if nothing is set on the individual calendar.


Please see the payments with WooCommerce documentation for this part.


Please see the calendar feeds documentation for this part.


You can export your appointment data using this tab. Simply select from the available export options and then click the Export Appointments button to export them all as a CSV file.


This tab is a useful reference tab to see all of the available shortcodes, including the shortcodes to display your custom calendars. Please see the custom calendars documentation and/or the shortcodes documentation for more information.

62. Translation & Text Changes

QuickCal comes with a language file that needs to be translated in order for it to display a different language. The easiest way to translate it is to install a great plugin like Loco Translate and do it via the WordPress admin panel:

Full Language Translating

  1. Once you have Loco Translate installed, head over to the main Loco Translate screen by going to Loco Translate > [Plugins] or [Themes] (depending on what you're translating).
  2. Find the theme/plugin in the list and click it, then click the [+ New Language] link above the list.
  3. If you see a "Template Missing" message, simply click "Skip Template".
  4. Choose the language for this translation from the dropdown.
  5. IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the third radio button (System) in the next section. (languages/plugins or languages/themes) before clicking Start Translating. If you do not, then your translation file will be gone if/when you update the theme or plugin.
  6. Now, on the next page, you can simply go through and add/edit your translations by clicking on each string and adding the translation in the bottom box.
  7. When you're done, simply click "Save".
  8. Be sure that WordPress is set to use the same language you've translated from Settings > General (look for the language dropdown at the bottom).

The POEdit Method

You can use software like POEdit ( to translate the *.po file that's included with the theme or plugin. Just remember to put your translated files into the appropriate folder listed above and remember to update your translations when there's an update.

More information on translation can be found here as well:

Simple Text Changes

Sometimes you just need to change some of the text, from English to English. In this case, you could either create a second "English" translation file following the same directions above, or better yet, just add some custom code to your theme's functions.php file or create a custom single-file plugin that does this for you. In the following example, this code will change the "Search..." text in a search bar to say "Find..." instead:

add_filter( 'gettext', 'my_custom_text_changes', 20, 3 );
function my_custom_text_changes( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {    switch ( $translated_text ) {        case 'Search...' :            $translated_text = 'Find...';        break;    }    return $translated_text;

As mentioned, you can open up your theme's functions.php file and add this code. Or a better method would be to create a simple single-file plugin that will allow you to add code like this without messing with the theme files (which might get overwritten when updating). The following is the code needed to create a very simple plugin. To create this yourself, go to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your server and add a file called my-custom-code.php (it can be named whatever you want). Then add the following code to that file:

Plugin Name: My Awesome Customizations
add_filter( 'gettext', 'my_custom_text_changes', 20, 3 );
function my_custom_text_changes( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {    switch ( $translated_text ) {        case 'Search...' :            $translated_text = 'Find...';        break;    }    return $translated_text;

Save the file, and then go onto your WordPress admin's plugins page. Find the plugin called "My Awesome Customizations" and activate it. That's it!

Also, to add more than one translation, you can add more case/break statements. Here's what that would look like if you wanted to change a custom post type called "recipes" to "books" in several locations (this will require changes to probably many more "cases", but this is an example. A developer might be needed for additional work:

function my_custom_text_changes( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {    switch ( $translated_text ) {        case 'Recipe' :            $translated_text = 'Book';        break;        case 'Recipes' :            $translated_text = 'Books';        break;        case 'recipe' :            $translated_text = 'book';        break;        case 'recipes' :            $translated_text = 'books';        break;    }    return $translated_text;

63. Custom Time Slots

Adding Custom Time Slots

  1. Go to the QuickCal Settings panel and then go to the Custom Time Slots tab.
  2. Click the "Add Date(s)" button.
  3. Choose the calendar you want to use (if applicable).
  4. Choose the Start Date.
  5. If this is a one day setting, you can leave the End Date blank. If this is a date range, choose the End Date.
  6. To add a single time slot, click the "+ Single Time Slot" button. To bulk add time slots, click the "+ Bulk Time Slots" button.
  7. For single time slots, you'll choose how many available appointments for this time slot and then you'll choose the start and end times. Alternatively, you can check the "All day" checkbox to make this an all day time slot.
  8. To add bulk time slots, choose how many available appointments there are, choose a start and end time for the entire span of your day, choose the time between each slot if you need a 10 minute break for example. Then choose the interval for the time slots to be entered.

Adding Vacation/Closed Dates

  1. Go to the QuickCal Settings panel and then go to the Custom Time Slots tab.
  2. Click the "Add Date(s)" button.
  3. Choose the calendar you want to use (if applicable).
  4. Choose the Start Date.
  5. If this is a one day setting, you can leave the End Date blank. If this is a date range, choose the End Date.
  6. Check the "Disable appointments" checkbox to make this a vacation/closed date.
  7. That's it.

64. Show room price and info on touch / mobile

Sometimes you may want to display the rooms price and info for mobile or touch as these devices do not have a hover state. Here is some custom css to help you customize.

@media (max-width:767px){
    opacity: 1;
    opacity: 1;
    background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

or if you wanted the price / description on at all times you can leave out the @media query..

    opacity: 1;
    opacity: 1;
    background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

Try adjusting the background-color to whatever you wish, we made black for this example.

or this example to have text on at all times, with no background tint

    opacity: 1;
    opacity: 1;
    background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);


65. Updating Entrepreneur (Version 1.3.6 and earlier)

Please make sure you know which version of Entrepreneur you are currently using before continuing. Not sure?

The most recent version of Entrepreneur version 1 is Version 1.3.8 and you can download it here.

Once you have downloaded the zip from the link above, you can continue.

  1. First of all we recommend making a backup of your files and database when updating the theme, just in case even though it should go over smoothly.
  2. If you have made any modifications to the core theme files then you’ll need to make note of the changes, and in that case we would definitely recommend making a backup. A program like WinMerge (Windows) or DiffMerge (Cross platform) can also be very helpful in that situation. For theme file changes, we always recommend using a child theme instead of editing the theme itself.
  3. If you haven’t made any core theme file changes, the best way to update the theme would be to extract the download package and overwrite the theme folder over FTP.
  4. If you’re not familiar with FTP, then you can just go into the WP dashboard and delete the theme, then install the newly downloaded version of the theme as you normally would (note that you’ll have to switch the theme before deleting it, since WP doesn’t allow you to delete the active theme.) Since your content and settings are stored in the database, you won’t be deleting that content.
  5. If you have any questions, feel free to open a support ticket.

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

Entrepreneur version 1 Change log


Version 1.3.6 - Dec 22, 2017

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.3.5 - Oct 12, 2017

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.3.4 - June 30, 2017

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.3.3 - April 13, 2017

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.3.2 - March 11, 2017

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.3.1 - December 08, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.3.0 - November 29, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.2.2 - October 04, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.2.1 - Sept 20, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.2.0 - August 04, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.6 - July 06, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.5 - May 11, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.4 - Feb 24, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.3 - Jan 11, 2016

Updates & Fixes

File Added / Changed

Version 1.1.2 - Oct 24, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1 - Sept 25, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.9 - Sept 04, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.8 - Sept 03, 2015

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.7 - May 14, 2015

New Feature

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.6 - April 29, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.5 - April 28, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.4 - April 24, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.3 - April 18, 2015

New Feature

Version 1.0.2 - April 16, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0.1 - April 10, 2015

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0 - April 02, 2015

66. How to Change or Remove the Credit in the Footer

To remove the text you can just add this code into your Custom CSS box in the Theme Options area:

#footer .credit {display:none}

If you'd like to change the text instead, you just have to open up footer.php in the theme folder (or add it to the child theme folder if you're using one) and you can edit the credit text there.

67. The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

This is a common error are there are two zips you download from themeforest, a solution to this issue is in this article.

I hope this helps.

68. Updating Stratus Version 2.0.2 and earlier

Please make sure you know which version of Stratus you are currently using before continuing. Not sure?

The most recent version of Stratus 2 is Version 2.0.4 and you can download it here.

Once you have downloaded the zip from the link above, you can continue.

  1. First of all we recommend making a backup of your files and database when updating the theme, just in case even though it should go over smoothly.
  2. If you have made any modifications to the core theme files then you’ll need to make note of the changes, and in that case we would definitely recommend making a backup. A program like WinMerge (Windows) or DiffMerge (Cross platform) can also be very helpful in that situation. For theme file changes, we always recommend using a child theme instead of editing the theme itself.
  3. If you haven’t made any core theme file changes, the best way to update the theme would be to extract the download package and overwrite the theme folder over FTP.
  4. If you’re not familiar with FTP, then you can just go into the WP dashboard and delete the theme, then install the newly downloaded version of the theme as you normally would (note that you’ll have to switch the theme before deleting it, since WP doesn’t allow you to delete the active theme.) Since your content and settings are stored in the database, you won’t be deleting that content.
  5. If you have any questions, feel free to open a support ticket.

Still not sure?  Please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist.

Stratus 2 Change log

Version 2.0.2 - September 15, 2017

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 2.0.1 - April 13, 2017

Updates & Fixes

Version 2.0 - January 28, 2017

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.2.1 - December 08, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.2.0 - August 25, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.4 - July 06, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.3 - June 04, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.2 - May 11, 2016

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1.1 - Feb 26, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.1 – Jan 12, 2016

New Features

Updates & Fixes

Version 1.0 – Dec 17, 2015

69. Admin Appointment Creation/Cancellation

Appointment Creation

Your customers can book their own appointments from the front-end, but if you need to add an appointment from the administrative side, you can create appointments quickly and easily using the appointment calendar on the backend.

  1. Go to the Appointments > Settings page.
  2. You will see a big calendar. Find and click on the day for which you want to book the appointment.
  3. Find the time slot and click the "New Appointment..." button.
  4. If this is a current customer, you can simply search and select them from the user dropdown.
  5. If this is a new customer, you can quickly add them as a new user by using the registration fields. The first name and email are the only required fields.
  6. When the appointment is booked, the user will get an email welcoming them to the site (with a username/password) as well as a appointment confirmation email. These emails can be customized/turned off from the QuickCal Settings panel.

Appointment Cancellation

To cancel someone's appointment, simply find the appointment on the calendar and click the X next to their name in the time slot from which you want to remove them.

70. Remove / Hide 'All' and / or Sort from the Rooms Filter Bar

Version 2

Add this to your custom css under theme options / general to hide All

.th-portfolio-filters a[data-filter='*'] {

Add this to your custom css under theme options / general to hide Sort

.th-portfolio-filters span {    display: none;

If you wanted to hide a specific filter try this:

.th-portfolio-filters a[data-filter="#themo_rooms_1 .p-vacation-rental"] {



is the name of your filter.

Version 1

Add this to your custom css under theme options / general to hide All

.rooms-filters a[data-filter='*'] {

Add this to your custom css under theme options / general to hide Sort

.rooms-filters span {
    display: none;

If you wanted to hide a specific filter try this:

.rooms-filters a[data-filter="#themo_rooms_1 .p-vacation-rental"] {



is the name of your filter.

71. Adding Calendar to Slider (Chalet Demo)

Here is a screenshot of our settings under WP Dash / Bellevue / Sliders / Add New

Here is the live demo:
