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Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar

To add WooCommerce to a booking calendar you'll need to include the product ID as part of the shortcode. Here is a snippet from our documentation (scroll down to the heading 'WP Booking System'):

  • Install WooCommerce
  • Make sure you set a default Basket Page and Checkout Page via WP Dash / WooCommerce / Settings / Checkout Tab / Checkout Options. (https://cl.ly/0V2r1M431t0n)
  • Ensure that you do not have Virtual or Downloadable checked (https://cl.ly/95baf05e87f2) Uncheck them if you do.
  • Add at least one product via WP Dash / Products / Add Product. Once created note the Product ID. (https://cl.ly/3F0E0u3T232E)
  • Navigate to the page you wish to add your calendar to and use the 'Add Calendar' button in the Content Editor toolbar to add your calendar. Choose your options as you wish. (https://cl.ly/072r0C112m0b)
  • Manually add the follow parameter to your wpbs shortcode

and replace the ID (or 458) with the ID of your new product (https://cl.ly/233d0j1m3D0C)

Your shortcode should look something like this:

[wpbs id="1" form="1" title="no" legend="yes" start="1" display="3" language="auto" history="1" tooltip="1" month="0" year="0" selection="multiple" autopending="yes" weeknumbers="no" wooproductid="458"]

Save changes and view your page.

REF: https://docs.woothemes.com/document/configuring-woocommerce-settings/
