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Bellevue - Bed & Breakfasts + Small Accommodations

Start here! Looking for more help or documentation? Please visitor our new knowledge base here: If you are still having issues, please let us know, we can help.

Video Tutorials and Guides for Bellevue Hotel + Bed and Breakfast Theme We have created a website to help you get started with Bellevue, the Hotel + Bed and Breakfast WordPress Theme. Check it out here:

How to Update the Theme Are you using Stratus V2? Not sure?  Please see important update instructions for Stratus here. Are you using Bellevue V1? Not sure?  Please see important update instructions for Bellevue here. Are you using Entrepreneu ...

Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar To add WooCommerce to a booking calendar you'll need to include the product ID as part of the shortcode. Here is a snippet from our documentation (scroll down to the heading 'WP Booking System'): Install WooCommerceMake su ...

Show room price and info on touch / mobile Sometimes you may want to display the rooms price and info for mobile or touch as these devices do not have a hover state. Here is some custom css to help you customize. @media (max-width:767px){ .room-center{ opacit ...

Minimum Days Required - WP Booking System To use minimum days required, click on the 'Add Calendar' in the content editor toolbar. choose 'minimum days' from the modal window.http://new.tinygr ...

iCal Syncing with WP Booking System If you want to import iCal into Google Calendar, then you'll love this new feature on WP Booking System.First you'll need to have copy of Belleuve which comes bundled with the WP Booking System. Once installed you can go to W ...

Changing the rooms slug, url, permalink There is a theme option setting to customize the permalink (aka url, slug) for the rooms custom post type.1) go to theme options / rooms / and change the "Rooms Custom Slug" like so: ...

Customization to show 2 rooms or 2 columns vs 3, 4 or 5. To show 2 rooms. Put this under Appearance / Theme Options / General / Custom CSS @media screen and (min-width:992px) { .rooms-row { width:auto; max-width:760px; margin-left:auto !important; ...

Promoting from development to production For promoting from development to production we find tools like this one are amazing for migrating databases, then you don't have to do the find / replace bit: Since ...

E-mail forms not sending / receiving Some Bellevue users have experienced an issue where email from the WP Booking system and also Formidable is not sending. Please ensure your web host has enabled php script allowing email to be sent form the website. Thank y ...

Adding Calendar to Slider (Chalet Demo) Here is a screenshot of our settings under WP Dash / Bellevue / Sliders / Add New Button Tab ( button checkedButton text: Book TodayButton link: ...

Remove / Hide 'All' and / or Sort from the Rooms Filter Bar Version 2 Add this to your custom css under theme options / general to hide All .th-portfolio-filters a[data-filter='*'] { display:none; } Add this to your custom css under theme options / general to hide Sort .th ...

Email Form Notifications Adding and editing email notifications is managed in two areas depending on which plugin are you using. Formidable: and WP Booking System: http://bellev ...

Limit to rooms shown | Max Rooms Sometimes you may want to show more than 10 rooms at once. There is an easy fix! If you go to settings / reading / and edit the show blogs at most setting, bump it from 10 to whatever you need. :)

Page Header Background Settings. To help you replicate the demo, please install / import the demo content you can see a video of how to do this here: you are trying to add your own ...

Seasonal Pricing What we've done is we have snapped the wp booking system into WooCommerce so that each calendar can be tied in with a product or in the case of a variable product, a sku. You can create one product in WooCommerce and choos ...

Rooms Sort Order We wrote some help on sorting here: and and here is a little bit more about adding rooms. ...

Optimal header image sizes and settings If you want to adjust your image more specifically, try unchecking parallax and play around withe the background settings so that you can pick a focal point, like center center. As an example of my page: http://demo.themo ...

Adding Form to Slider (Hotel, Beachhouse Demo) Here is a screenshot of our settings under WP Dash / Bellevue / Sliders / Add New Button Tab: (nothing checked)Background TabBackground styling = CheckedColor = NoneBackground Image = Choose your imageRepeat = NoAttachment ...

Enable Transparent Header for Touch Laptops. We disable transparency for touch because of some inconsistencies with mobile menu. You can certain try it with transparency by turning this setting off for "touch" devices. It will still disable for smaller screens like iP ...

Auto Filter Rooms on Page Load We wrote a little javascript to help customize what filter is triggered on page load. Put this in your child theme functions file.For version 2 + // themo_hook_head_css = to add custom css or JS to your head add_action('wp ...

Setup Auto Pending on the Bellevue Booking System To set auto-pending. You need tow things.  1) One of the legend statuses set to auto-pending (See star button) 2) then you'll need to set auto pending in the shortcode.  or [wpbs id="1" form="1 ...

The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. This is a common error are there are two zips you download from themeforest, a solution to this issue is in this article. I hop ...

Demo Content Different demos There are several live demos, Urban Guest House (Yaletown), Chalet (Rustic), Countryside (Parksville), Beach House (Long Beach), Lake Cabin (Lakeshore), Hotel (Bellevue) and One Pager Style (Yaletown one pag ...

Enable Sticky Header for Mobile Our theme automatically disables sticky for mobile, so if you want to enable it , just make this modification and it should world on both desktop and mobile. :) Open up bellevue/assets/js/main.js Then edit line 901 if(!i ...

Setting up Booking, Terms of Service and Deposits. Make sure to use the auto pending feature so that when someone requests a stay, those dates will automatically be set to a different color to indicate that they are not available. We wrote a guide here:  Setup Auto Pendin ...

List of Required and Recommended Plugins for Bellevue. Required Bellevue Custom Post TypesBellevue ShortcodesMeta BoxMeta Box TabsSimple Page Ordering Optional FormidableMaster Slider ProWidget LogicWooCommerceWP Booking SystemDelete these after install / activatio ...

Custom Color for Rooms Hover .room-overlay { background-color: #a94442; }* Custom CSS can be added under Dashboard / Appearance / Theme Options / Custom CSS

Trigger Mobile Menu Sometimes you may want to trigger the mobile menu sooner than the default screen size.** Before you customize, please back up your files so you can roll your changes back if you need to.** First thing is to add this custo ...

How to change the room descriptions. "sleep 2 queen bad" etc That's managed under the excerpt of the post. If there is no excerpt present then it will take from the first few words of the content in the content editor. Happy to answer any questions.

Missing photos after demo import. If you have not imported yet, make sure to follow all the instructions to import the demo content along with the place holder images here: specifically the checkbox that say ...

Using Polylang Helpful Links Support Getting Started ...

Communication between WooCommerce and WP Booking System The booking system hands off the number of nights to WooCommerce via add_to_cart shortcode but does not pass any other info to WooCommerce. We’ve recently added support for passing Check and and Check out dates to WooCom ...

Custom Star Rating to Testimonials. Although the testimonials do not include a star rating you can certainly use the built in Glyphicons to make a star rating. Here is an example of what you would add to the Quote area. There are also many plugins that ...

How the WP Booking System works with WooCommerce That explains how to you add an add to cart button to the booking form. Here are the steps: 1) Follow this guide to set it up: Add WooCommerce to a booking calendar 2) Once #1 is complete, when som ...

How to find what version of the theme you are using. Login into your WordPress admin panel and go to “Appearance” -> “Themes”. Here are listed all your installed themes. Click on desired theme and pop-up window will appear. On the right-side, near theme name is displaye ...

Custom Video Styling Custom CSS: .video-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-contain ...

Updating the WP Booking System Plugin You can update the WP Booking System Plugin without updating the Bellevue theme, although we recommend always using the most recent version of the theme and plugins. * Always make a full database backup of you website befo ...

Using the Child theme to add custom scripts in the footer. If you've install the child theme you'll see that the functions.php file is already there.. You can use cpanel or ftp to edit your functions.php file. The foot scrip  function is already there.  1) Just uncomment the ...

Adding Yoast Breadcrumbs to rooms and pages. Big thank you to Mario for posting his guide. He took the time to share his solution for other to use. Thank you!!You'll need to have the Yoast SEO plugin installed Make sure you have the Child Theme installed and copy the ...

Changing Size of a set Image The best way to update the add_image_size is to do it in a child theme functions file so you don't edit any core files. I found an article on that here: ...

Migrating from Bellevue v1 to Bellevue v2/v3 In December 2017 we launched the largest update ever for our Bellevue theme that includes a long list of new features and improvements, the most important one being a brand new visual drag and drop builder. Our original me ...

Updating Bellevue (Version 1.9.2 and earlier) Please make sure you know which version of Bellevue you are currently using before continuing. Not sure? The most recent version of Bellevue 1 is Version 1.9.4 and you can download it here. Once you have downloaded the ...

How to Update Bellevue IMPORTANT: Before updating please find out which version of Bellevue you have. Bellevue V1 is not compatible with V2 Not sure which version you have? You can find out quickly and easily.  Example for Bellevue Versio ...

* New Theme Documentation and Help Articles * We have a new knowledge base to answer any questions that you have about the theme: If you have any questions not answered in the knowledge base, please feel free to open a ticket here ...