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QuickCal - Appointment Booking Calendar

Installation & Setup Guide Install the QuickCal Plugin First things first, go to Plugins > Add New.Upload the quickcal.zip plugin file and activate the QuickCal plugin.That's it! For more help with installing plugins, take a look at this quick gui ...

Custom Calendars QuickCal allows you to create calendars for each service you offer. Each calendar can have its own default time slots, custom time slots and custom fields. This makes it incredibly powerful for business that offer different s ...

Default Time Slots Setting your default time slots is at the heart of the QuickCal plugin. Each day is given default time slots. For example, if your business is open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm and you have 2 employees available e ...

Custom Time Slots Adding Custom Time Slots Go to the QuickCal Settings panel and then go to the Custom Time Slots tab.Click the "Add Date(s)" button.Choose the calendar you want to use (if applicable).Choose the Start Date.If this is a one da ...

Custom Fields QuickCal allows you to create any number of Custom Fields to collect additional information when your customers are booking appointments. Head over to the Appointments > Settings panel and then click on the Custom Fie ...

Shortcodes There are a number of shortcodes included to display specific content anywhere on your website. Let's start with the booking calendar/list. Booking Calendar: The [quickcal-calendar] shortcode displays the booking calend ...

Admin Appointment Creation/Cancellation Appointment Creation Your customers can book their own appointments from the front-end, but if you need to add an appointment from the administrative side, you can create appointments quickly and easily using the appointment ...

Calendar Feeds When QuickCal is installed and activated, you will see a tab in the main Settings area titled "Calendar Feeds". Click on that to access the URLs you can use to setup the feeds in your favorite calendar application. Google ...

Front-End Agents Create a Profile Page (if you don't have one already) To create the profile page, simply create a page and call it Profile (or whatever you'd like) and then place the following shortcode on the page: [quickcal-profile] V ...

Payments with WooCommerce Be sure to install the WooCommerce plugin before using this feature. Creating a Product for QuickCal To create a new product, simply go to Products > Add Product. Give this new product a name. For example, if you have d ...

Translation & Text Changes QuickCal comes with a language file that needs to be translated in order for it to display a different language. The easiest way to translate it is to install a great plugin like Loco Translate and do it via the WordPress a ...

Migrating Translations from Booked to QuickCal If you've been using the WordPress plugin "Booked" and are now transitioning to its successor, "QuickCal", you'll want to ensure that your translations seamlessly transfer over. This guide will walk you through the process of ...

How to enable AddEvent for Add to Calendar functionality On the booking profile page, there is a button to Add to Calendar so that customers can add the booking onto their 3rd party calendars including Apple / Google Calendar.This is done by connecting with a service called AddEve ...