Stratus - App, SaaS & Product Showcase

Enabling Transparent Header Support on Touch Laptops

We disable the transparent header on touch devices because of some inconsistencies with the mobile menu. In some cases however it can occur where a non-mobile device is detected as touch-enabled.

If you find you would like to enable it for those devices, you can make this change below. It will still be disabled for mobile screens including iPhone and Android.

Open stratus/assets/js/main.js

On line 263

var isTouch = Modernizr.touch ||

Change to

var isTouch = false ||

Also, go into page-header.php

On or around line 160, change 'ready'

            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                "use strict";
                if (Modernizr.touch) {
                    <?php echo sanitize_text_field($background_js);  ?>

to 'load'

            jQuery(document).load(function($) {
                "use strict";
                if (Modernizr.touch) {
                    <?php echo sanitize_text_field($background_js);  ?>

Then if you save the file and clear your cache, you should see the change.