Notice: If you have an issue with the latest version of Elementor: Please see this article


We wrote some help on sorting here:


and here is a little bit more about adding rooms.

The key is going to be the 'order by' setting inside the Rooms meta box. 

Ensure that 'drag and drop' is selected here.

Then under WP Dash / Rooms / All Rooms, make sure 'Sort by order' has been clicked at the top. 

Then you should be able to drag and drop your order. 

just be clicking and dragging on the rooms.

If you are trying to use Prev / Next navigation in the Rooms page header, then you'll need to make sure that all your rooms belong to at least one group. Call it 'All' and make sure to include this group when you add your rooms to the Rooms meta box 'select by group' field. 

Happy to help if you run into any issues.