How do I change or remove the logo?

To add a logo

The default logo that shows in the upper left corner is bundled with the theme. You’ll need to go under Appearance > Theme Options and look under the General Tab to find the areas where you can upload your own logo.

There are two areas where you upload your logo.

  1. Logo with Retina Support
  2. Upload Logo for Transparent Header

The first one is for your standard logo. The second one is for the logo that appears on the transparent header (generally a white version instead).

To Adjust the size

You can also adjust the size of your logo before you upload by moving the Logo Height Slider up or down. Once that is done, you must save your changes and then re-upload your logo for the new size to take shape.

To hide the logo

If you want to hide the logo entirely, you can add this code to your child theme, or to the Custom CSS box under Appearance > Theme Options:

#logo {visibility:hidden}

How to make a Retina Logo

If you would like to have a retina logo, you'll need to figure out the non retina size first, set that size using the logo size slider under Theme Options / General / Logo Height. Then save changes. Once you know and set the height, you'll need to make sure the logo you will upload is twice the size as of the height you set. Then you need to upload it under 'Logo with Retina Support' and also one for 'Upload Logo for Transparent Header' if you are using transparent header. 

That should make a logo exactly twice the size of your non retina version automatically.