Default Time Slots
Setting your default time slots is at the heart of the QuickCal plugin. Each day is given default time slots. For example, if your business is open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm and you have 2 employees available every hour, you would create 2 times slots every hour from 8–4, Monday – Friday.
To quickly add a bunch of time slots, you can use the Bulk time slot entry option:
- Click "Add..." at the top of the day you're adding time slots to.
- Switch to the "Bulk" tab.
- Add a "Title" for these time slots if needed (optional).
- For the "Start time...", select "8:00am".
- For the "End time...", select "4:00pm".
- Leave the next dropdown as "Every 1 hour" to set your time slots every hour.
- Choose "2 time slots" as the last option, and then click "Add".
- Your available time slots for that day will then be added and your customers can start booking appointments!
Alternatively, you can add a single time slot to any day/time:
- Click "Add..." at the top of the day you're adding time slots to.
- Add a "Title" for these time slots if needed (optional).
- Choose a "Start time" and "End time" and then select how many time slots you want to add.
- Click "Add" and that time slot entry will be added as a default for that day.