How to Change the Color of the Menu Links in the Transparent Header

There is a setting in the Theme Options area to change the menu text color, but that only applies to the standard white header. In the dark header and the transparent header, the menu text is always white.

If you would like to change the menu link text color for the transparent header, below is the code.

You can copy/paste this into your child theme or into your Custom CSS box under Appearance > Theme Options.

This makes the transparent header menu text black (#000) but you can change the values to another color instead:

.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > li > a,
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > li > a:hover,
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > > a,
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .themo_cart_icon a i
{color:#000 !important}
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > > a:after,
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > > a:hover:after,
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > li > a:hover:after
{background-color:#000 !important}
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .themo_cart_icon
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav >,
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav >
{border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.65) !important;}
.banner[data-transparent-header="true"]:not(.headhesive--clone) .navbar-nav > a:hover:after
{height:0 !important}